Saturday, January 3, 2015

PS26 #1: True Eyes Scrap Page

If you happened to read (and remember) my New Year's Resolution from last year (if not, you can read the list HERE), you'll find out that I skipped a lot of the scrapbooking goals...

So, the 2015 Resolutions/Goals/Bucket List/whatever you want to call it are:

1. Scrapbook more
2. Finish 2013 and 2014 albums (yeah...I'm really behind...)
3. Finish any unfinished layouts
4. Make 2-3 8x8 albums
5. Submit projects to magazines AND, hopefully, be published
6. Make 2 videos (I made one last year...)
7. Keep listing on my Etsy store
8. Exercise ('cause my doctor "threatened" me...)

I think I'll stop there...before it gets too overwhelming...

I must say that 2014 was quite productive, though...I didn't have these on my list, but some of my cards/projects were recognized in challenges and I am in a Design Team (House of Cards)!!!

And to "push" myself into scrapbooking more, I'll post a project every other Saturday (at least, I'll try...).

I'll call it:

...or PS26 for short...and here's the first page:

Easy one, since I only used glittered patterned paper and cut out hearts from the same paper collection.
I'll be linking it to:
1. WAW #164: Anything Goes
2. SSS Wed: Anything Goes

Have a nice weekend!


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